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How to create any chord 

During this section I show you how to create eleven different types of chord. I'm believing that once we've covered these 11, you'll then be able to go on to work out how to play any chord you wish.

There are seven notes with different names in a major scale e.g.

C, D, E, F, G, A, B

However we usually state that there are eight notes in the major scale, as we tend to start and finish a scale on a root note e.g.

C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C give it resolution.

The second C is the same note, in that it is also a C…Read more

Which chords to use? Part Two 

In 'Which chords go well together? Part One' I showed you how to take any major scale and easily convert it into seven chords that work well together, whatever order they are played in.

In this tutorial I explain the underlying musical theory.

By using this system, you can easily work out a set of seven chords for any key that you wish to play in. By familiarising yourself with the resulting pattern, you will improve your ability to work out how to play songs that you hear.

If you're new to song writing… Read more

Which chords to use? Part One 

At the end of the day, music is a matter of taste. If you like the sound of a particular chord progression then go with it.

​What I show you in this tutorial is not a rule that must be followed and there are uncountable songs that don't follow this system and are great songs.

In fact, many songs stand out precisely because they don't follow this system!

What I am giving you here is a simple way to work out a set of chords that particularly compliment each other - Easy to understand music theory for guitarists…Read more

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