How to play Meteor Shower by Owl City in F

I've yet to attempt singing this, so for the time being I'm playing it in the original key of F with a capo on the 1st fret. I shall probably try it in E, without the capo, when I try singing it. This version relies upon utilising open strings extensively, so you'll likely need a capo ~ dependent on which key suits your voice (if you're going to sing).

There are essentially three sections: Picking, strumming and vocal. I've tended to listen to the extended edit, but you can copy that, or the original, or make up your own version by combining these three sections in different ways.

Here's a video which covers each of the sections and, within which, I play a version that is loosely based upon the extended edit.

Picking Section

As I state in the video, you can adapt and change by selecting to add 'fills' and embellishments with your little finger. Here's the tab for a version that I favour (remember that I have a capo on the 1st fret ~ so the 1's are basically open strings):









Strumming Section
This is a set of chords which compliment the above picking section. If you have a loop pedal, or a friend to play along with, then you can get both this and the picking section going simultaneously. I tend to play this strumming section, a couple of times around, immediately following the picking section.

Here's the chord chart:

| F5 / / / | Dm / A#sus4 / | F / / / | A# / C / |

Tab for  chords:







Strumming pattern 

D = strum down
U = strum up
d = move arm down, but don't strike the strings
u = move arm up, but don't strike the strings

NOTE: When strumming fairly slowly we do so from our elbow, with the entire forearm moving up and down. When strumming at speed, such as with this piece, it's more a case of strumming from the wrist ~ so there's little movement from the elbow, with all the focus being on the wrist. It requires one to be relaxed and 'loose'.

D, u, d, U, d, u, D, u, d, U, d, u, D, U, d, u
1   -   &  -   2   -  &  -   3   -  &   -  4   -   &  -   

These are 1/16 beats. I've added the beats of the bar below to aid understanding. However, I suggest you focus upon using your ears to copy the pattern from the video as opposed to trying to count the beats.

Vocal Section
This is a strumming section over which Adam Young sings and is also an instrumental section. I play single strokes/strums over the lines, "I can finally see, that you're right there beside me." I then strum over the remaining lines.

Chord chart:

| A#sus4 / Dm / | C / / / | A#sus4 / C / | Dm / / / |

Tab for  chords:


OR play this A#




OR play this Csus4


I  hope you found this useful ~ let me know in the comments section, below :)


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